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Monday 14 April 2014

Using Microsoft Excel in administration

 For many years, Microsoft Excel has been one of the programs most popular forms of global market data , and one of their quality stamps is its flexibility. Excel is perfect for everything from building a home inventory insurance purposes to create customized invoices to help companies obtain the necessary payments to stay in business instructions

Open Microsoft Excel and create a new data sheet.
Save the spreadsheet to your hard drive or on your network share.

Decide what type of document you want to create with Excel.
Examples of useful Excel documents include invoices, quotes and custom reports.

Download a template for each type of data sheet you want to build .
These templates are available on the Microsoft web site , as well as from a variety of third party vendors .

Replace the generic text in the template with your own data. Observed as the total of the cells in the data sheet is updated.
Save the completed form when you are finished .

Administration ( Lat. ad , to , direction , trend, and minister , subordination , obedience ) is the social science or social art technology, in part, and in charge of planning , organization, direction and control of financial resources (human, materials , technology , knowledge, etc. ) of an organization , in order to obtain the maximum benefit possible. ;
this benefit may be economic or social , depending on the aims of the organization.

Modern management of an organization , focused on strategy and focusing on customer needs.

Other definitions of authority ( according to various authors ) :
■ The administration as a social science consists of principles, techniques and practices and whose application to human joint allows for rational systems of cooperative effort , through which you can achieve common purposes is not feasible to achieve individually .
■ The Administration is to achieve a predetermined goal by the efforts of others .
(George R. Terry)
■ Management is a social science that seeks to satisfy institutional objectives through a coordinated structure and through human effort.
( José A. Fernández Arenas)
■ Management is the process aimed at the effective and efficient coordination of resources from one social group to achieve its objectives with maximum productivity.
( Lourdes Münch Galindo and Jose Garcia Martinez)
■ Management is management that develops human talent to facilitate the work of a group of workers within an organization . In order to meet the overall goals , both institutional and personal , regularly goes hand in hand with the application of techniques and principles of administrative process, where this takes an important role in optimal and effective within organizations development , which generates certainty in the actions of people and the implementation of the different resources .


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