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Gracias por sus comentarios.

16 respuestas

  1. I do like technology and especially computers. However, I am over 70 and living on a limited income so I cannot afford to upgrade my equipment as I might like. I have played some with Small Basic but since Microsoft came out with the Express editions of Visual Studio, I find that I enjoy playing with Visual Basic because there is more out there in the way of sample programs. To be honest, I did not find Small Basic to be that easy to use in the long run and I feel I can do more with Visual Basic.
    I think both versions are good and each has its own place. Even with books on programming I am limited in what I can afford and again there are more books on programming with Visual Basic than with Small Basic.
  2. Hi Carlos, thanks for the blog. Your blog site looks fantastic. I think we share a common dream and have already seen how the Information Revolution has improved the living standard of so many people and has done so by diluting any inertia once the domain of age, language, culture and ability. All the best.

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